Safety and Security
Masking Policy
The health and wellbeing of our patients is our first priority and why our team works so hard. Throughout the epidemic we worked with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the federal government, and the state of Oregon to stay open and protect our patients. In accordance with federal and state regulations and CDC recommendations, Prism Health no longer requires universal masking. That is our current policy and will remain so unless regulations or CDC recommendations change. Anyone, including staff members, are welcome to wear a mask if they choose. Folks with upper respiratory symptoms or COVID-like symptoms will be asked to wear masks at all times while in clinic.
To protect the safety and confidentiality of our patients and staff, Prism Health is a secure facility. Staff must wear identification badges at all times. Visitors must check in at reception and be logged. Patients are welcome to bring a support person, but we ask that it be limited to one individual. If at any time you feel that your safety is compromised, please alert Prism Health staff as soon as possible.